Cosmetic botox injection in the female face.

Cosmetic Treatments for Under Eye Bags

Bloomfield Hills, MI – When you look in the mirror, are you dismayed by heavy bags that make your eyes look droopy, and your face seem older than it actually is? Discover the power of a blepharoplasty and what it can do for your appearance.

“An eyelid surgery is a wonderful option for patients who have loose or sagging skin around their eyes, or who have fatty deposits that result in puffiness,” says Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Ali. “The eyes are the window to the face, and droopy eyelids can make you look older than you are, and in some cases can even impair your vision. But there’s no need to look worn and tired when you aren’t, and a blepharoplasty is the answer.”

Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids, or both areas, to give a more refreshed and rested look.

In an upper eyelid procedure, Dr. Ali will work to create an incision along the natural crease of the eyelid to conceal any minor scarring. Fatty deposits will then be removed or reposition, muscles will be tighten and excess skin will be removed.

For a lower eyelid procedure, the incision will be made just below the lower lash line. Then, Dr. Ali will remove excess skin, and remove and reposition fatty deposits. However, if Dr. Ali does not need to remove any excess skin, he can use a technique known as transconjuctival blepharoplasty. This incision will be made inside the lower eyelid.

“Following the procedure, there is only slight pain, and the level of swelling and bruising varies from patient to patient,” says Dr. Ali. “Most swelling and bruising will be gone in five to 10 days, however slight discoloration may last a bit longer. Patients will be advised to sleep with their head elevated and to apply cold compresses to alleviate swelling.”

To achieve the best results, it is important to closely follow all after care instructions provided by Dr. Ali and his staff. If you experience pain or irritation, use pain medication, cold compresses and ointment. Your eyes may feel dry after the procedure, so be sure to ask Dr. Ali how to best relieve them.

Until you have completely healed, it is important to practice good sun protection and wear darkly tinted sunglass when going outside.

Because in most cases, blepharoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is usually not covered by insurance. However, if you are having the procedure to eliminate skin that covers the eyelashes, impeding your vision, it is possible insurance may cover it. Dr. Ali’s staff will be happy to work with you to determine what role insurance may play, and to help you create a payment plan that will work in your budget.

If you’re tired of sagging, droopy eyelids that make you seem tired, angry or older than you are, a blepharoplasty may be right for you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.

© 2015 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Plastic Surgery – Erasing the Stigma

Bloomfield Hills, MI – There used to be a time when a visit to the office of a plastic surgeon was hidden and even lied about. For years, plastic surgery had a negative stigma associated with it. But that’s not the case any longer, as statistics show that the number of Americans seeking out cosmetic procedures continues to increase.

“In 2014 alone, Americans spent more than $12 billion on plastic surgery, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons,” says Dr. Ali. “Not only that, the number of male plastic surgery procedures increased nearly 43 percent. More people are realizing that there shouldn’t be any shame or embarrassment associated with having work done.”

Plastic surgery has been around for quite some time. In fact, ancient Egyptians are said to have played around with reshaping the nose, and in the 1700s British physicians visiting India brought back techniques that would lead to the modern day nose job. The first recorded breast augmentation was performed in 1895, and the first breast implant materials were used in 1899. The first formal training program in the United States was established at Johns Hopkins in 1924. And Hollywood stars were visiting the surgeon’s office as early as Hollywood’s golden age in the 1930s and 40s.

For years, people, especially those in Hollywood, tried to hide their visits to their surgeon’s offices, though.

“For some reason, in the earlier days, and even until rather recently, plastic surgery has carried a negative image,” says Dr. Ali. “While it can certainly be overdone, most people who get plastic surgery procedures are doing it to improve their lives. Certified and trained plastic surgeons work hard to better the lives of our patients.”

In 2014, Americans had a total of 15.6 million procedures, both minimally-invasive and surgical. The demand for plastic surgery continues to grow as we see great strides in technology and procedures. This creates more options for patients looking to improve themselves.

And for those who think people who turn to plastic surgery are simply trying to recapture their youth, that’s not necessarily the case. When asked why they opted for surgery, many women often state they have a desire to look more refreshed and to look on the outside the way they feel on the inside. That doesn’t necessarily mean looking like a 25 year old again.

“Plastic surgery has advanced so much that we can accomplish beautiful and natural looking results, without it even really looking as if you’ve had work done,” says Dr. Ali. “Years ago, it was much more obvious to tell who had visited a surgeon. But today, we can help you achieve a more refreshed look that will often leave people wondering if you had surgery, or if you’ve just been taking better care of yourself.”

And this, perhaps, is why we are seeing the number of procedures performed continuing to increase. When your best friend suddenly has a relaxed, glowing look and seems to be enjoying life more than ever, it can be hard not to want the same thing for yourself.

“I tell my patients all the time that plastic surgery should be done for one person and one person only – themselves,” says Dr. Ali. “It is such a joy to watch someone become truly happy once again after a procedure. If you hate looking in the mirror every day, your life will begin to suffer. And there is simply no reason why that should be, and I love seeing that the stigma associated with my work is falling away.”

If you’re ready to discover the power of plastic surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali today.