portrait of beautiful young female face with bandage on her nose

Open Vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

Bloomfield Hills, MI – Are you interested in a nose job procedure, but aren’t sure what type will be best for you? Dr. Ali, a Michigan plastic surgeon, explains the type of procedures you may hear about at a consultation.

“Open and closed rhinoplasty procedures are two ways plastic surgeons reshape the nose,” says Dr. Ali. “Which one your surgeon uses will depend on the current shape of your nose, as well as the preference of your surgeon. Both types of surgery have advantages and disadvantages to them, so it is important you ask your surgeon which he or she is most comfortable with, and which is recommended for you.”

A closed rhinoplasty, also known as an endonasal rhinoplasty, leaves all of the incisions inside the nostrils. This is an advantage for the patient as no visible scars will be seen. However, there are some challenges to this type of procedure. The incisions in each nostril are disconnected, which can make it harder for the nasal skin to be repositioned.

Additionally, the incisions are very small, reducing visibility for the surgeon. This can make the surgery more difficult in complex nose jobs, such as changing the shape or position of the tip of the nose. However, this can be a great technique for bridge augmentation or minor refinements of the bridge. This procedure can also be used in correcting deviated septums, as long as there aren’t major cosmetic changes needed, as well.

An open rhinoplasty is also referred to as an external rhinoplasty. There are a few hidden, internal incisions, as well as an incision along the columella, the skin that attaches the right and left nostrils. This incision adds much greater visibility for the surgeon because it allows for the skin to be lifted back, allowing the surgeon better access to the structures of the nose.

An open procedure also allows for the cartilage of the nose to be less distorted during surgery, allowing the surgeon to see all aspects of the nasal cavity in a more undisturbed manner.

“While many patients may come to a consultation with a closed rhinoplasty in mind, it’s important to remember that the scar an open procedure will leave is tiny,” says Dr. Ali. “While I perform closed rhinoplasty procedures, it is hard to deny that better accuracy can come from an open procedure. The results would far outweigh a tiny scar. Open rhinoplasty has transformed how we are able to reshape noses, giving plastic surgeons better control and precision in treating more complex cases.”

When performed by a skilled and well-trained surgeon, such as Dr. Ali, an open rhinoplasty scar will heal excellently, making it practically invisible to the naked eye. Two layers of incisions will ensure the incision will close properly, allowing for healing that will make the incisions almost imperceptible to friends.

If you are ready to discuss a nose job procedure, call Dr. Ali today.

© 2015 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

portrait of a beautiful young

What Plastic Surgery Procedures Can Be Combined?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – The numbers of plastic surgery procedures being performed each year continue to rise. The stigma of having a cosmetic procedure done is falling away, and more people are visiting their surgeon’s offices. Along with that comes the request for multiple procedures at one time. But is that safe, and if so, which can be performed together?

“Surgical techniques have greatly improved, as has the ability to safely perform anesthesia on patients for longer periods of time,” says Dr. Ali, a Michigan cosmetic surgeon. “That makes it much easier to perform more than one plastic surgery procedure on a patient at the same time. This allows the patient to only have one recovery period, and they can see their desired results faster, rather than having to wait extended periods for each surgery to heal before moving on to the next one.”

The decision to combine procedures will be up to the individual plastic surgeon. He or she will take several things into account, such as your overall health and the exact procedures you want performed. If you are healthy and the procedures are similar enough, they may be grouped together into one operation.

For example, facial plastic surgery procedures may be easily grouped together. Face lifts are often combined with eyelid surgeries to offer the best, most youthful looking appearance. You can even add laser skin resurfacing to offer the most ideal result.

“Aging doesn’t happen in just one area of the face, in most cases,” says Dr. Ali. “Most patients can benefit from minor procedures in multiple areas of the face to offer them the most rejuvenated and natural looking result.”

In the case of rhinoplasty procedures, or nose jobs, sometimes patients can achieve their desired look by adding a chin implant that can make the face look better proportioned.

Tummy tucks and breast lift procedures or other breast augmentations can also be performed together. And to finish off the look, many patients like to add a bit of liposuction, as well. Many women opt for this combination of procedures after having children, and this combination has led to the term “mommy makeover.”

There are a few advantages to combining procedures. First, you’ll only incur one bill for anesthesia, facility fees and any other fees associated with the procedures. Some surgeons may even offer packages that offer a slight discount on the procedures when grouped together.

Additionally, the patient will only need to undergo one recovery period. That means you’ll be up and about, and won’t have to worry about another recovery period in the future for additional surgeries. You’ll also get to see your results faster, without waiting for surgeries scheduled months into the future.

There are, however, risks to combining procedures. The longer a patient is under anesthesia, and the more procedures that are combined, the higher the risk for complications.

“All surgery has inherent risks associated with it, and complications that can arise,” says Dr. Ali. “It’s crucial that all surgery be performed by a properly licensed and trained surgeon in a proper setting, where a patient can undergo the correct monitoring during the procedures. This will also ensure the proper follow-up following the surgery.”

If you are interested in learning more about which procedures can be combined or are interested in scheduling a consultation, call Dr. Ali today.

© 2015 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Mother Breastfeeding Baby In Nursery

When Can I Have a Tummy Tuck After Having a Baby?

Bloomfield Hills, MI – After the first few weeks of enjoying a new baby are over and routine starts to set in, many mothers wonder when they can visit a Michigan plastic surgeon to help get their bodies in pre-baby shape. But just how long should you wait after giving birth to have a tummy tuck?

“You should never have a tummy tuck right after giving birth,” says Dr. Ali. “Some women may think it makes sense to have the procedure while they’re still in the hospital, or even right after a c-section, but that isn’t the case. Your body needs time to bounce back before having an abdominoplasty procedure.”

There are several reasons for this.

  1. Hormones can affect the elasticity of skin, and the post-partum body will be full of higher levels of hormones.
  2. There is an increased risk of bleeding, including from the uterus, in a post-partum woman.
  3. To have the most success, a woman should be at or around her ideal weight, and right after a baby is born, that most likely won’t be the case.
  4. Tummy tucks require a recovery period where it will be difficult to lift anything, especially a newborn.
  5. Women who are breastfeeding still have high levels of hormones in their bodies, and anesthesia and other medication can be transferred through a mother’s milk to her newborn.

So when is the best time to have a tummy tuck?

“I always advise my patients to wait at least six months after their baby is born, longer if they are breastfeeding,” says Dr. Ali. “By this time, the influx of hormones will have started to recede, the weight will be closer to normal and the stretching of the abdomen will have recovered.”

These are important for several reasons. Waiting at least six months following the birth will allow for the stitches to hold better in the tissue because the tissue will no longer be softened to accommodate the baby.

For lasting results from a tummy tuck, it’s important to be at or near your ideal weight before having the procedure. A tummy tuck isn’t a weight loss procedure – while some fat and tissue will be removed, it’s primary goal is to tighten loose skin and give the abdomen a smoother, flatter appearance. It should never be used as a substitute for proper diet and exercise.

Following pregnancy, it’s important to remember that your body may not go back to looking exactly as it did prior to the pregnancy. But it’s also important to remember that just because your body looks a certain way in the days and weeks immediately following birth doesn’t mean it will always look that way.

“After giving birth, the skin will be stretched, the uterus will still be swollen, and you’ll be carrying extra weight that you didn’t have before,” says Dr. Ali. “And in the months following birth, these will all begin to go away. It’s hard to make aesthetic judgments based on what we think the body would look like, so I advise patients to wait.”

The body needs time to recover from all of the changes pregnancy brought. It’s also important that women be not anticipate further pregnancies prior to a tummy tuck. Becoming pregnant after a tummy tuck can alter the results, and most women will want to have the procedure redone after giving birth.

If you have questions about when is the best time to seek out a tummy tuck, or are interested in regaining your pre-pregnancy body, call Dr. Ali today to learn more about how abdominoplasty can help you.

© 2015 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.