What is Breast Implant Capsular Contracture?

What is Breast Implant Capsular Contracture?

The body’s normal response to breast implants is to form a scar around the implant, on the inside of your body. This contiguous scar around your implant is called the “capsule”. This “scar capsule” is a actually good thing, because it supports the implant in the upright position.

In the vast majority of cases this necessary and beneficial scarring on the inside of the body takes place without complication. You do not see or feel this scar “capsule” – but it serves to hold your implants in place over time.

However, in very rare instances a complication called “capsular contracture” can occur that affects the capsule. Although there is no guaranteed way to completely eliminate the possibility of capsular contracture, there are many steps that can be taken before during and after breast implant surgery to greatly reduce your risk.

What Is Breast Implant Capsular Contracture?

Statistics vary, but most estimates put the risk of capsular contracture at only around 3 to 5%. Capsular contracture occurs when chronic inflammation (usually due to bacteria) causes  collagen fibers buildup and tighten in the scar capsule. Abnormal cell formation called myofibroblasts can occur, which can produce collagen and contract like a muscle cell.

As this buildup continues, the breast implant is squashed into a smaller space, making it more compact and firm – and sometimes affecting the breast shape as well. Capsular contracture can be mild, causing only minimal change in appearance and firmness. In more severe cases it can cause the breast to become hard, misshapen or migrate out of place.

Reducing the Risk of Breast Implant Capsular Contracture

Fortunately there are many things that you and your surgeon can do to reduce the risk of capsular contraction. Dr. Ali is a highly skilled, experienced and careful board certified plastic surgeon who takes every step possible to reduce or eliminate risk factors for capsular contracture.

Listed below are some of things you can do to help reduce this risk.

  1. Proper Breast Implant Size Reduces Capsular Contracture Risk

Recent studies have shown that too large of breast implants that overstretch the soft tissue envelope put women at higher risk of capsular contracture.

  1. Breast Implant Texture Can Reduce Capsular Contracture Risk

Breast implants with texturized shells typically have a decreased incidence of capsular contracture compared to implants with smooth shells, when placed over the pectoralis muscle. In FDA approval studies anatomically shaped ‘gummy bear’ implants both, rippled the least and had the lowest risk of capsular contracture.

  1. Breast Implant Incision Choice Can Reduce Capsular Contracture Risk

Incision placement is crucial to minimizing capsular contracture risk. In most cases, the incision with the lowest risk of capsular contracture is the inframammary incision (in the crease below the breast). Experienced surgeon Dr. Ali will take this factor into consideration – along with all other relevant factors – when determining the best incision type for you breast implants.

  1. Pocket Placement, Creation & Preparation Can Reduce Capsular Contracture Risk

Capsular contracture is more common when breast implants are placed in the subpectoral position – above the pectoralis muscle.  This is likely because there is a reduction in bacterial exposure when implants are placed in the subpectoral position.

Precise and meticulous surgery performed by a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali can also reduce capsular Contracture risk. A procedure called “electro-cautery”, makes a bloodless pocket for the implant that leaves minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. This healthier and dryer pocket, is less likely to allow bacteria to grow, further reducing the inflammation that can lead to capsular contracture.

After a the breast implant pocket has been created, but before insertion, a formula of three antibiotics in saline mixed with Betadine, should also be applied to further lower rates of infection that can result in capsular contracture.

  1. Post-Surgical Antibiotics Can Reduce Capsular Contracture Risk

After breast implant surgery, and even after the patient has healed, a woman can still be at risk of bacterial contamination of their implants – that can lead to Capsular Contracture risk.  Infections – even of a tooth, nail, or scrape – should be promptly treated with antibiotics. Also, anytime an elective surgery procedure is planned – including include dental procedures, Pap smears, and colonoscopies, etc.  – a one-time dose of antibiotics should be given beforehand.

Best Breast Implant Procedures

Because capsular contracture is a result of chronic inflammation, most often from bacterial infection, there are a number of things you and your board certified surgeon can do to minimize the risk. Doctor Ali is has performed successful breast implants on thousands of women across Oakland County.

He will help you choose the implant size and type, incision placement, and implant placement that will give you the most beautiful results while also minimizing any potential risks.

Birmingham 7 Rochester Hills’ Area Top Breast Implant Surgeon

Dr. Ali is a board certified Birmingham / Rochester Hills area plastic surgeon who has performed breast implants on thousands of women in Birmingham, Troy, Rochester Hills, West Bloomfield, and across Oakland County. He utilizes the latest techniques and best, state-of-the-art breast implant technologies and procedures – to ensure that your results are as safe as they are beautiful. 

Dr. Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions, and help you choose the best breast implant size, shape, material and position for your body type and appearance goals.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

Breast Lift FAQs

Top Oakland County Surgeon’s Breast Lift FAQs

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women across Oakland County get the look they love and the body they desire with breast lifts. In this article we answer some of our patients most frequently asked questions about breast lifts.

What is a breast lift?

The technical term for breast lift surgery is Mastopexy. It is a very safe and common surgical procedure that removes excess skin, and lifts breast tissue and the nipple and areola. Breast lifts can improve the shape, firmness, and appearance of sagging or dropping breasts.

A breast lift is not the same thing as a breast implant – although both procedures may be performed at the same time. To learn more about the difference between breast lift and a breast implant surgery CLICK HERE.

Who can benefit from breast lift surgery?

Women whose breasts are sagging from the effects of breastfeeding, aging, weightless, gravity or simply genetics are all candidates for breast lift surgery. In some situations, a breast lift can also help with breasts that are asymmetrical or misshapen.

A breast lift may be performed at any age over 22 (after the breasts stop developing). As with any surgery, you should be in good overall health, not extremely obese, and quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, in order to achieve the best breast lift surgery results.

If a women is planning on having more children, she should generally consider postponing breast lift surgery until she is done having children – as another pregnancy could result in additional drooping.

Are there different techniques for breast lifts?

In all cases, breast lift surgery requires removal of some breast skin – but the amount and location of skin removal will depend upon your breasts’ shape.

Sometimes an incision is made just around the areola. In other cases the surgeon may go around the areola and then vertically to the bottom. In some cases were skin needs to be removed, an incision may also be made across the bottom of the breast.

These different breast lift techniques can have some unusual names, such as “crescent,” “donut,” “Benelli,” “lollipop,” “vertical,” “Wise pattern,” “anchor”, “circumareolar”, and others. Dr. Ali will make recommendations based on your unique body – and help you make the choices that are best for you.

Will I have scars from breast lift surgery?

Dr. Ali has performed thousands of breast lift surgeries, and takes every step possible to create the most attractive breast shape with the least amount of scarring. He will strategically place incisions and masterfully make them as small as possible while still achieving the desired result. However, keep in mind that because it is a surgery, no matter what technique is used, some degree of scarring is inevitable.

Dr. Ali’s goal is always to keep scars as small as possible. But the most important decision about the incision size and location is creating the most beautiful breast shape.

Scarring typically fades considerably over time, however it never goes away completely. Most women feel that the “trade-off’ of having small scars is worth it to achieve the breast appearance they desire.

Dr. Ali will offer you a consultation so that you can make the best decision, and decide which type of breast lift procedure is right for you.

Can I work or exercise after breast lift surgery?

Most women are able to resume light activities 2 to 5 days after breast list surgery. Typically you can return to work and other light activities after 5 to 7 days. This will depend upon the physical nature of your job, as well as how well you heal.

Many women can resume low impact exercises after about 4 weeks. However, jogging, jumping and any high impact activities can strain the breasts during recovery and should be avoided until you get the “all clear” from your surgeon.

Dr. Ali can tell you more specifically when you will be able to engage in certain activities, based on how extensive your surgery was, how well you are healing, your age and overall health, and the type of work or exercise you do.

Top Oakland County Breast Lift Surgeon

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women across Oakland County get the look they love with breast lifts and breast implants. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions, and help you select the best procedure for your goals.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast lift and breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available!

Breast Lift Surgery Compared to Breast Implants

Breast Lift Surgery: With & Without Breast Implants

Many of our patients want to know if they should get a breast lift, or breast implants, or both. In this article we discuss how breast implants and breast lifts work separately and together.

A breast lift performed by itself can restore a perky appearance to drooping breasts – improving breast shape, projection, and symmetry. But a breast lift alone does not restore or increase breast fullness. And breast implants on their own can add fullness and size – but a breast implant does not lift sagging breasts.

Breast Lift without Breast Implants

Having children, breast feeding, losing large amounts of weight, getting older, or just plain genetics can cause a woman’s breasts to sag.  Many of these women are satisfied with the size of their breast – but simply wish to improve their “position”.

If you have sufficient breast tissue, but would like your breasts and nipples to “sit higher” on your chest, a breast lift can be performed without breast implants. During your breast lift, your surgeon removes excess skin and lifts the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast.

Breast Implants without Breast Lift

Conversely, most women who simply wish to increase the size or shape of their breasts do not require a breast lift. Most younger women – and even many older women with firm breast tissue and elastic skin – do not require a breast lift.

If your breasts are not “drooping” (and/or if they are only mildly “deflated”) a breast implant alone is typically sufficient to give you the fullness, shape and size of breast you desire. Additionally, if you have naturally small breasts, or you have just experienced some mild hollowing after breastfeeding, you typically will not require a breast lift.

However, if your breasts are substantially sagging, and you want to increase their size, breast implants alone will typically not be enough. A breast implant does not correct droopiness. Think of it like putting a “rock in a sock”. A bigger rock will only make the lose sock sag more. In these cases, a breast implant and a breast lift should be performed together.

Breast Implants and Breast Lift Performed Together

Women with more extensive skin laxity who wish to improve breast size and shape may require both a breast lift and breast implants. These procedures can be performed at the same time – giving you beautiful results with two procedures performed during one surgery.

Since a breast lift alone cannot achieve an increase in cup size, and a breast implant alone cannot correct sagging, many women opt for both. Some women may also add implants even when they feel that their breasts are large enough – but they would like more upper fullness or “cleavage”.

Additionally, keep in mind that even with a breast lift, your body is still subject to the laws of gravity and aging. So after a breast lift alone, your breasts will eventually begin to drop somewhat over the years. However, implants are more likely to retain a high, round and perky shape.

To read Frequently Asked Questions about breast lift surgery CLICK HERE.

Top Oakland County Breast Lift Surgeon

Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women across Oakland County get the look they love with breast lifts and breast implants. He will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions, and help you select the best procedure for your goals.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast lift and breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available!



Embarrassing Questions About Breast Enhancement Surgery

Top Surgeon Answers Your Questions About Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast enhancement surgery is a very personal procedure. The results can be life changing, giving you the body and the self-confidence you’ve always wanted! But, because of the private nature of this procedure, some women may be uncomfortable asking questions.

Please know that Dr. Ali has performed hundreds of breast enhancement surgeries – and he wants you to know that there is no thing as a silly question. He will answer any questions his patients may have before, during or after breast enhancement surgery.

In this article we discuss some of the more “embarrassing” questions that you may have hesitated to ask. But you should always discuss any specific concerns with your cosmetic surgeon to get the answers that apply to your individual situation.


Why are my breasts “gurgling” after my breast enhancement surgery?

Do not be alarmed if you hear gurgling, squeaking or crackling noises coming from your breast enhancement area in the first few weeks after surgery.  These noises are perfectly normal. As your breast implants “settle in” fluid build-up or air bubbles within the implant pocket are released.

These sounds should completely subside after a few weeks. If you continue to hear noises after this time – ort are experiencing any unusual pain or sensations – it is a good idea to bring the matter to the attention of your surgeon.

Why do my breasts look like torpedoes after my breast enhancement?

Don’t be worried if your breasts are “cone shaped,” or “sharper” in appearance than you expected, after my breast enhancement surgery. This is very normal – and typically only temporary.

Your breasts may be a bit odd shaped after your enhancement surgery because your skin has been stretched over the implants- and your implants haven’t “dropped” yet. This causes the lower half of each breast to be tight, forcing the breasts into a high, hard-cone shape.

As the swelling subsides, and your skin adjusts and your chest muscles relax, your breasts will drop into place and you will have the beautiful shape and appearance you were expecting.

Why are my breasts “uneven” after breast enhancement surgery?

Again, the swelling must subside and your implants must “drop” before you see their true appearance. In some situations, one breast may swell less, or drop sooner – making the breasts temporarily look “uneven.”

Sleeping on one side or driving with one arm can even cause one side to heal or drop faster than the other. And if you are right-handed, your right breast may not drop as fast as your left one, because you have more muscle on your right side.

Rest assured that as all swelling diminishes and both breasts fully drop you should see the perfect symmetry you were expecting.

Why are my nipples erect after my breast enhancement surgery?

It is not at all uncommon for your nipples to be sensitive and cause erection after breast enhancement surgery. This will also subside in time.

In the meantime, covering your nipples with round Band-Aids, or nursing pads can protect your nipples from abrasive clothing, and conceal your erect nipples under your clothes.

Top Birmingham & Troy, Michigan Breast Enhancement Surgeon

Remember there should be no question that you are too embarrassed to ask your surgeon.

Dr. Ali will answer any questions his patients may have before, during or after breast enhancement surgery – to ensure you are well-informed and comfortable. He has helped hundreds of women in Troy, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield – and across Michigan get the body they’ve always wanted. If you are considering breast enhancement surgery, Dr. Ali will be happy to offer you a consultation to answer all of your questions.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast enhancement surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.



How to Choose the Right Breast Implants

Oakland County Breast Implant Surgeon:
How to Choose the Right Breast Implants

Choosing the right breast implant for your body and your lifestyle is a very personal decision. Dr. Ali has helped thousands of women make the choice, and achieve the look and feel they desire. He will take the time to consult with you and discuss your body type, your frame, your lifestyle and your end-goal – so you achieve results you will love.

In this article we discuss some factors you will need to consider when choosing your implants, so that you achieve the results you have always dreamed of.

Choosing the right type of breast implant:

There are two types of breast implants: silicon filled and saline filled. They each have different characteristics and advantages. Silicone breast implants are generally considered to feel more like “natural” breast tissue, especially in someone who is slender or very small-breasted. However, saline implants may have some advantages with regard to cost and a smaller incision size.

Additionally, breast implants can be “smooth” making them softer. Or they can be slightly textured, which makes them firmer and less likely to move around within the breast pocket.

You can Click Here to read more about the different “types” of breast implants. However, discussing this with Dr.  Ali will provide you with the best information as it applies to your unique situation.

Choosing the right size breast implant:

In life, bigger is sometimes better – but that is not always true when it comes to selecting natural and comfortable breast implants.

Your individual taste, your body frame, your weight, and the “look” you’re going for all play into choosing the “right” size breast implant.

Bra cups are sized A, B, C, etc. – but breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters, or cc’s. Cubic centimeters indicate the “volume” or “capacity” of a breast implant. One cubic centimeter equals a milliliter of liquid.

Both saline and silicone breast implants range in size from 120cc to 850cc. When comparing sizes, a difference in volume of 60cc’s is about two ounces. So a 460cc implant holds about 2 more ounces of saline or silicone than a 400cc implant.

Dr. Ali is Oakland County’s top breast augmentation surgeon. He will take exact measurements of your chest and breasts to recommend the proper proportions for your frame. He will also evaluate whether you have enough tissue to cover the size of the breast implants you want.

Projection and profiles in choosing breast implants:

Keep in mind that larger breasts don’t necessarily mean more cleavage. The natural space between your breasts affects cleavage, as well as the size of the breast. In other words, the wider the space between your breasts, the less of an impact implants will have on your cleavage.

In addition to selecting the size of implant, Dr. Ali will discuss the projection or profile of the implant – which is how far it protrudes from your chest. Profile types may be high, moderate or low, and should be matched to the width of a woman’s chest for the best “fit” for her frame.

High profile implants have more volume in a narrower width, which is often best for women with a narrow ribcage. A lower profile may be better for a more broadly built woman. Dr. Ali will discuss this with you to help you achieve the best aesthetic result.

Other people’s opinions, and the right size breast implant

The final decision in selecting a breast implant size should always be YOUR decision, made in conjunction with your surgeon’s recommendations regarding what will “work” and be healthy for you.

But sometimes the opinions of others whom you love and trust can be helpful. A sister or best friend can help you determine what looks natural for your size on your frame. And if you have a partner, their opinion may be important to you. In many cases we find that a woman my think her partner wants her to go “really big” – when in fact some open communication reveals that the partner is happier with a more natural look.


Top Oakland County Breast Implant Surgeon

Top surgeon Dr. Ali has provided breast implant surgery for thousands of satisfied patients across Oakland County. If you are considering breast implant surgery, he will be happy to offer you a consultation to help you decide the right size, shape and type of implant for you.

Feel beautiful inside and out, with breast implant surgery. And remember, financing options are also available.

CLICK HERE to schedule a consultation to see if breast implant surgery is right for you.