breast reconstruction

Detroit Plastic Surgeon Dr. M. Azhar Ali Hosts Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day

Detroit, MI – Amae Plastic Surgery Center in Bloomfield Hills is hosting a Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day for women affected by breast cancer. It is the only event in the country sponsored by the The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

The event will be held on October 19, 2016, at Amae Plastic Surgery Center, which is located at 43940 Woodward Avenue, Suite 100 in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 48302.

What Is Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day?

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day is part of the Breast Reconstruction USA Campaign, which is a co-initiative sponsored by the ASPS and The Plastic Surgery Foundation (The PSF). Together, the two organizations have managed to create one of the few breast cancer campaigns that are dedicated to building awareness around the options available to viable candidates of breast reconstruction surgery.

Building Awareness Around Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast reconstruction is a procedure that is designed to reform the breast following a mastectomy or lumpectomy. In starting the campaign, the ASPS and The PSF wants all women who are candidates for breast reconstruction surgery to have access to safe and timely treatment.

The campaign also wants women to know that Federal law mandates the coverage of breast reconstruction surgery for all breast cancer patients. This is the case even if the reconstruction procedure is delayed due to medical treatment.

Dr. Ali: One of the Country’s Top Breast Reconstruction Surgeons

Dr. Ali, who was recently honored with the coveted Top Docs 2016 award by Hour Detroit magazine, was chosen by the ASPS to host the Breast Reconstruction Awareness event because his practice provides the safe and timely treatment the ASPS and The PSF require as part of the campaign guidelines.

Dr. Ali boasts a 99% approval rating by his patients and is able to provide several breast reconstruction surgery case studies to showcase his expertise. Dr. Ali’s goal is to make all women aware of the breast reconstruction options that are available to them following a breast cancer operation.

Dr. Ali is proud to host the event and hopes that all women affected by breast cancer who live in the greater Detroit area will make an appearance.

“Come out and learn as much as you can about breast reconstruction surgery, which can improve your self-esteem and quality of life,” Dr. Ali said.

To learn more about Breast Reconstruction Day on October 19 or to schedule a breast reconstruction consultation with Detroit plastic surgeon Dr. Ali, visit

About Us: Amae Plastic Surgery Center is operated by Dr. M. Azhar Ali, who was recently awarded one of 2016’s Top Docs by Hour Detroit magazine. The plastic and cosmetic surgery center is proud to serve the greater Detroit area, which includes the areas of Bloomfield Hills, Richmond Hills, Troy, Farmington Hills and Clarkston.

© 2016 Millionairium and Dr. Ali. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Millionairium and Dr. Ali are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this document is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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